Ethiopian workers | by Christian Mantuano
23 images Created 5 Feb 2015
Un piccola parte dell'Etiopia raccontata attraverso persone di tutte le età e classe sociale che lavorano per la sopravvivenza e nello stesso tempo contribuiscono a rendere migliore il loro Paese. Nonostante l'economia versi in gravi condizioni a causa delle numerose guerre civili e delle frequenti siccità, negli ultimi anni si avverte un rapido cambiamento nella struttura urbana e nel tessuto sociale del paese ai recenti investimenti stranieri. La popolazione è impegnata per lo più in lavori artigianali e di manodopera.
A window on a small part of Ethiopia. A land depicted through people of all ages and classes who work for their own bread and butter and at the same time actively contribute for a better country. Despite the country's economy is in a terrible slump due to numerous civil wars and frequent droughts, in recent years something is changing thanks to recent investments of some foreign countries. The population is engaged mainly in craftsmanship and unskilled labor.
A window on a small part of Ethiopia. A land depicted through people of all ages and classes who work for their own bread and butter and at the same time actively contribute for a better country. Despite the country's economy is in a terrible slump due to numerous civil wars and frequent droughts, in recent years something is changing thanks to recent investments of some foreign countries. The population is engaged mainly in craftsmanship and unskilled labor.